Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 12


We have updated the Glacier Photograph Collection. There is now a special collection page for the DAHLI IGY Glacier Photographs. This new page directs users to a special search page to locate glacier photographs taken during the International Geophysical Year (1957-58). Thanks to the work of Michael Russell, we will be adding more photographs soon. Michael has been diligently checking the quality of the digital files and ensuring the accuracy of the associated metadata. There are currently 917 images in the database. Another 1131 images are in the queue.

In addition to the IGY photographs, we have recently added a collection of images taken in Peru by Fred D. Ayres and updated the National Park Service Glacier Survey Reports (another special collection).


The library will be closed for Spring Break on Friday.

If you remove an item from the library, please check it out! If you are unsure how to do this, we will be glad to help.


If you have any left over Easter candy that you would like to donate to the candy fund in the library, we would be happy to take it off your hands. We also accept cash. J

New Items in the Library

Journals and Reports

Environmental Studies Research Funds #161: Review of the Ikhil gas development and pipeline regulatory and environmental process : lessons learned.

Environmental Studies Research Funds #162: Assessing the potential effects of near shore hydrocarbon exploration on ringed seals in the Beaufort Sea rgion 2003-2006

Earth System Monitor, v. 16, iss. 3

EOS, v. 89, iss. 11

Alberta Environmental Water Supply Outlook Overview, March 14, 2008.

Alaska GeoSurvey News, v. 11, iss. 1

Water Condiions in California, report 2, March 1, 2008

Seppyo, v. 70, iss.1

Books, Reprints, and other Formats

Glacier Bay and Its Glaciers by Henry Fielding Reid [Rare]

Cryosphere Theme Report for the IGOS Partnership.

Abiotyczne srodowisko Spitsbergenu w latach 2005-2006 w warunkach globalnego ocieplenia = Abiotic environment of Spitsbergen in 2005 and 2006 in a global warming conditions edited by Rajmund Przybylak.

The Opening of a new landscape : Columbia Glacier at mid-retreat by W. Tad Pfeffer.

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