Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Frost Byte, volume 5, issue 17


Spring is still being elusive (we catch a glimpse of her here & there), and today should be one those glimpses.

Gloria has another project in the offing. She has decided that it is time to put all of the CDs, VHS tapes, etc. into the catalog. For a change, this project will not impact you as much as those from the last two years. If you know of any CDs or other media that should be in the library & its catalog, please contact her.

The DAHLI Special Collection of IGY photographs has been updated. You may view the collection at There are currently 2,132 images in this collection including about 100 low level aerial photographs taken by the U.S. Navy. See the “Notes” field in the photo metadata for details about these images.

Staff Report

Gloria will be out this coming Friday, 5/2.


Please do not put the journals or books back in place on the shelves. Just put them on an empty shelf, in the baskets, or on the library table. We’ll be happy to shelve them for you!

New Items in the Library

Journals & Reports
Alberta Water Supply Outlook Overview April 16, 2008
Cold Regions Science and Technology, Special Issue: Research in Cryospheric Science and Engineering, v. 52, iss. 2
Geophysical Research Letters v. 35, iss. 5
EOS, v. 89, iss. 16
Earth Observer, v. 20, iss. 2
InFocus, v. 8, iss. 1

Books, Reprints, & Other Formats
Glacier mass balance changes and meltwater discharge edited by Patrick Ginot and Jean-Emmanuel Sicart.

Using Linux, fifth edition, by Jack Tackett and Steven Burnett

Unix hints and hacks by Kirk Waingrow

ISO Focus special issue: Action on Climate Change, v. 5, iss. 2

Monday, April 21, 2008

Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 16


Here are some good search tips from Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services

Bates InfoTip

April 2008
A Few of My Favorite Things

I'm in the throes of my (Northern Hemisphere) spring speaking tour; by June I will have been to Washington DC, London, Oslo, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, and Baltimore. In the course of preparing all the presentations, I have accumulated a number of tips and sites that aren't extensive enough to fill up an InfoTips newsletter, but are useful nonetheless. So, this issue includes some of my favorites of these ah-ha!s.

In an act of faith that Yahoo! will survive its possible absorption into The Borg, otherwise known as Microsoft, I'll mention one interesting Yahoo! search tip. If you enclose your search terms in [square brackets], you will only retrieve pages that have those words in that order. Mind you, this isn't a phrase search -- those two words may be anywhere in the page, but the first term must appear before the second. So, for example, the search [subprime crisis] will retrieve pages with "subprime mortgage crisis", "subprime lending crisis" "the subprime mortgage industry is in crisis right now" and so on. It will not retrieve "there is a crisis in subprime mortgages", however.

I mentioned in my March 2008 InfoTip, but I had one of those epiphanies today and thought up another use for this blog-search tool. When bloggers attend a professional conference, they often about the sessions they find particularly noteworthy. In fact, they will sometimes transcribe the speaker's PowerPoint presentation along with their own thoughts. Conference organizers are now encouraging bloggers to use a standard tag to identify blog posts about the conference, so that anyone can search for blogs about that conference. What that means is, if you can identify the appropriate tag, you can search for all blogs with that conference tag, and get at least a sense of the key themes and most thought-provoking sessions. See, for example, the blog entries that were tagged with CIL2008, the agreed-upon tag for the Computers in Libraries conference.

There are only two search engines that I know of that let you search for a word that you would like to have in the search results but isn't required. Say, for example, you are looking for information on the "green banking" trend, particularly in Colorado. You definitely want the phrase "green banking" to appear in each retrieved page, and you would like to see pages that also mention Colorado ranked at the top of the search results. Note, though that you don't want to limit your search only to pages that mention Colorado; you just want to see those pages first. and allow you to do this. The syntax for is prefer:word, so the green banking search query would be "green banking" prefer:colorado and the syntax in Exalead is word1 OPT word2, so the green banking search query would be "green banking" OPT colorado. (Note that you must type OPT in all caps.)

Staff Report

Allaina will be out of the office Tuesday, April 22nd assisting Ruth with the BCR class they are teaching - “Cataloging Earth Science Data: Standards and Tools You Can Use!”


To check out materials from the library, fill in the card in the pocket in the back of the books, drop the card in the box on the table, and you will receive an email message with a due date reminder. For reprints and journals, simply fill out the appropriate clip board. Any questions? Stop in our office and we’ll answer them!

New Items in the Library

Physics Today, v. 61, iss. 4

EOS, v. 89, iss. 15

Polar Research, v. 27, iss. 1

Water Conditions in California, # 3 April 1, 2008

Journal of Glaciology, v. 54, #184

Berichte zur Polar-und Meeresforschung=Reports on Polar and Marine Research, #568: The Expedition Antarktis-XXIII/2 of the Research Vessel ‘Polarstern” in 2005/2006 edited by Volker Strass.

Berichte zur Polar-und Meeresforschung=Reports on Polar and Marine Research, #567: Effects of UV radiation on Antarctic benthic algae – with emphasis on early successional stages and communities = Effekte von UV-Strahlung auf antarcktische benthische algen – mit schwerpunkt auf jungen entwicklungsstadien und gemeinschaften

Monday, April 14, 2008

Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 15


The IAHS Red Books numbers 1-221 and 309 are online at Currently the library’s collection goes through #264 (2000), and we will be purchasing any newer publications, which are applicable to our subject focus.

As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the Librarians are now available for chat or instant messaging from 7 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Our user name is nsidclibrary on Yahoo IM, AIM, and Windows Live Messenger. You can get your answers faster by chatting with us!

Several journals are currently at the bindery, so if you need a paper from one of these journals, just ask. Here is the list:
Ø Die Alpen
Ø Die Alpen Quartal
Ø Antarctic Science, v. 16, 17, 19
Ø Arctic, v. 58-59
Ø Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v. 36, 37, 29
Ø Exchanges, v. 1-12
Ø Hydrological Sciences Journal, v. 41-44

Staff Report

Gloria will be out this coming Friday, 4/18.

Allaina will be out this Tuesday (15th) afternoon in a 2:00 meeting.

This summer, she is teaching an Introduction to Archives course for the Emporia State University School of Library and Information Management distance program. She will be teaching the course with fellow alumni, Shaun Boyd, over 3 intensive weekends, June 6-8, 27-29, and July 18-20.

Next Tuesday, the 22nd, Allaina and Ruth will be teaching a workshop at BCR (Bibliographical Center for Research) in Aurora. The title of the workshop is “Cataloging Earth Science Data: Standards and Tools You Can Use!”


You can always request a paper search & delivery or suggest an item for purchase on the Library’s intranet site:

New Items in the Library

Journals & Reports
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, iss. 4
Arctic, v. 61, iss. 1
Antarctic Science, v. 20, iss. 2
EOS, v. 89, iss. 14

Books, Reprints, & Other Formats

The Polar World : the unique vision of Sir Wally Herbert by Sir Wally Herbert.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Analog Archives DU Volunteer Project

Below is a description of the project by Maura McGrath, who organized the group of DU library school students. The photos were taken by two students - Maura and Bridget.

This weekend a group of seven students (Sam Schiller, Bethany Fisher, Shannon Smith, Bridget Whittenberg, Regina Avila, Katie Thomas, and Maura McGrath) volunteered to help the National Snow and Ice Data Center with a project that has been on their to-do list for a while. Along with Allaina (their Analog Data Archivist and one of their two Librarians) and Kristin (a work-study student who is going to be a DU library student next year), we worked on the following project.

The library has a collection of large paper ice charts, about 25" x 38" or so, and a bit more than 7,000 of them that were digitized. The paper originals needed to be put in order by date and coverage area and stored in the very top drawers of our flat file cabinets.

We arrived at the library at 10:00, but before starting the project we took a tour of the library and Allaina gave us an overview of the operation. The library is in the National Snow and Ice Data Center, which is a part of the CIRES department at the University of ColoradoBoulder. They have a collection related to glaciers and other cryospheric entities and a very small budget. On our tour we had a chance to look at journals and sketches from H.F. Reid (an explorer in the 1800s) and even some archival pictures.

Most of us worked from approximately 11:00-3:30, carting the maps to the conference room, putting the maps in year order and then (because of time constraints) we each took a year in the 80s and put those in date order.

The dates on the maps ranged from 1953 to 1987 with about 200 maps per year, so we didn’t have time to get to every year. Finally we began carting all of the years back to the analog archives room. The carpooling group that I was a part of had to leave at 3:30, but Sam volunteered to stay for another hour.

Overall the project went without a hitch—we managed to get through the afternoon with only one paper cut! And I think the most trouble we had was with head rushes. I know I enjoyed the opportunity to help a library, learn about this very specialized collection, have a hands-on experience, and work with other students.

I’m so grateful to Allaina Wallace of NSIDC for proposing the idea and all the students that trekked up to Boulder to participate and make this project a success.

NSIDC thanks all of the DU students who came in on a Saturday to work on this project! Your efforts were very much appreciated!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Frost Byte, vol. 5, iss. 14


This past Saturday, seven University of Denver library school graduate students volunteered their time to help organize a large collection in the Analog Archives. For 6 hours, the group of students, along with Kristin (future DU library school student) and I, pulled all of the Dehn Ice Charts in order to group them by year, month and day. This collection, approximately 7,000 charts, has been digitized and most are available online. The originals now reside in the analog archives room in the very top drawers of the large flat file cabinets. Once these charts are organized, Gloria and Allaina will be able to shift some large format materials from the library into the analog archives room. This project would have been difficult to do without the help of the volunteers. We were able to get all of the charts organized by year, and 8 years are in order by month and day.

If you are interested in learning more about this data set, visit the catalog page at

Gloria received an announcement from the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice informing us that the Bulletin of Glaciological Research is now an open access online journal, with access to all past issues. Within the next few days, Gloria will add the URL to the
Electronic Journals page. The Library will no longer receive print copies of this bulletin.


If you use the library after hours, please remember to restart the computer, turn off the lights, and close the door behind you.

New Items in the Library

Journals & Reports
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 46, iss. 2
USCG Polar Sea Cruise Report : Deep Freeze 2007
Boreal Environment Research, v. 13, iss. 1 and supplement
EOS, v. 89, iss. 13
Colorado Water, v. 25, iss. 2

Books, Reprints, & Other Formats
Effective Project Management : Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme by Robert K. Wysocki