Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Frost Byte - Volume 5, Issue 29


Work continues on the collection of Austin Post glacier images. The OPS students are working away at the huge number of images, creating metadata and doing quality checks on the digital scans before they are added to the collection. Thanks to Michael and Robert for their hard work and also to I-Pin who updates the metadata database as needed.

Staff Report

Gloria will be working from home on Wednesday.


The library catalog is available on Igloo. The user name is “catalog” and there is no password.

New Items in the Library

Journals and Reports

EOS, v. 89, iss. 29

Boreal Environment Research, v. 13, iss. 3

Journal of Glaciology, v. 54, #185

Monthly Surface Climatic Data Report, China, #1, 2, 3 (2008)

Polar Times, v. 3, iss. 13

Antarctic Science, v. 20, iss. 4

International Journal of Climatology, v. 28, iss. 9

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, v. 25, iss. 4

Alberta Environment Water Supply Outlook, July 18, 2008

Seppyo, v. 70, iss. 3

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Frost Byte, vol. 5, iss. 28

Is it autumn yet? As the temperatures rise, we hope that everyone is staying cool and enjoying all of the various summer activities offered in the Rockies.

If you didn’t see the announcement, AGU has decided to revert all of its journals to the online version and discontinue the print one. Here’s the announcement (posted on the bulletin board earlier this month):

The Demise of Print
No print subscriptions to AGU journals will be available after 2010. This change only applies to AGU journals and not to Eos and it will be announced to AGU members in an Eos article tomorrow (Albarède, F. (2008), The demise of print, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(28), 257). A copy of the article is available on AGU Web site at:

The decision to move to online only journals was a difficult one to make and stemmed from two inescapable facts: the print product is becoming more and more only a pale replica of the electronic version and the cost of producing a printed version (and in turn print subscription prices) has escalated dramatically to a point where it will no longer be economically feasible to have a print version.

From the time AGU made the electronic journal the version of record in 2002, one of the goals was to take the journal beyond the printed page. This has led more authors to take advantage of the ability to use animations, video, and even interactive material and has also resulted in the print version being only an ersatz of the electronic one.

Another consideration is simply economic. The additional costs of producing a printed version of an AGU journal are borne only by the subscribers to that format. This pricing principle was established in fairness to those who take only the electronic version. As the number of print-only subscriptions continues to drop, there are fewer institutions over which to amortize the costs. Additionally, the production costs keep soaring - especially paper and postage. Thus, the price per subscription has been escalating rapidly.

What does this decision entail for libraries?Some changes will happen as early as next year, when AGU no longer accepts any new print subscriptions, although subscribers taking print in 2008 will be able to renew in that format in 2009. In 2010, a first round of AGU journals (to be announced in early to mid-2009) may become online-only. By 2011, all AGU journals, but not Eos, will be online-only products.

Institutions that still have print-only subscriptions to AGU journals in 2008 will be offered a free trial access to the online version later this year, as well as other incentives to encourage them to switch to electronic subscriptions. Any institution can provide desktop access to its researchers, faculty, and students for about 60% of the costs of the print subscription. If your institution currently has a mix of print and online subscriptions to AGU journals, please consider switching all of them to online-only.AGU is very much committed to remaining a leader in Earth and space science publishing. This move will ensure that costs are kept down, that only a superior product is delivered, and that AGU products are available to more users.

If you have any questions about this change and the new options available to your library, please feel free to contact AGU at

Gloria will include this change in the AGU journals in her assessment of the library’s current subscriptions and future purchases for next year’s budget.

Staff Report
Gloria and Kristin have worked their way through most of the donations from Roger, and we will soon have the time to focus on all of the other library needs. Thanks to Roger for his generous donations!

Thanks to those of you who contribute to the library’s candy fund. We greatly appreciate it.

New Items in the Library
Australian Antarctic, iss. 14
Polar Record, vol. 44, iss. 3, no. 230
Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 53, iss. 2
Research Report of the Public Works Research Institute, #210
EOS, vol. 89, iss. 27, 28
WDC-MARE Reports, #005 (2007), #006 (2008)
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 35, iss. 10
Monthly Surface Climatic Data Report, China, Aug-Dec 2007
Physics Today, v. 61, iss. 7

Books, Reprints, etc.

Moutain Weather and Climate, 3rd edition by Roger G. Barry.

Investigating climate change : scientists search for answers in a warming world by Rebecca L. Johnson

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Frost Byte, vol. 5, Special Edition

Over the last few months, the library has received numerous donations from Roger. Included in these donations are a number of journal titles, listed below.

We want to thank Roger for his donations and his continued support of the library and the analog archives.

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 17, iss. 1 and 3; vol. 18, iss. 1, 3, and 5; vol 19 - , continuing.

Annals of Glaciology, vol. 3, 5, 9, 12, 17, 25, 31

Arctic, vol. 6(3), 8(3), 9(4), 10 - , continuing

Arctic and Alpine Research, vol. 1-12, 17(4)

Arctic Research of the United States, vol. 1-17

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 50 - , continuing

Climate Monitor, vol. 10-20

Erdkunde, vol. 1-50; 46/1-56/1

Frozen Ground, vol. 6, 9, 12, 14, 16-30

Geographical Bulletin, vol. 2 – vol. 9, iss. 4

Ice, vol. 53, 56/57, 59-143

International Journal of Climatology, vol. 1 - , continuing

Journal of Applied Meteorology, vol. 8-19

Journal of Climate, vol. 1 - , continuing

Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, vol. 22, iss. 2 – vol. 26, iss. 12

Journal of Glaciology, vol. 14(70), 20(82-84), 21(85), 22(86-88), 23(89), 24(90), 25(91-93), 26(94), 27(95-97), 28(98-103).

Monthly Weather Review, vol. 105, iss. 12, vol. 108 - , continuing

Mountain Research and Development, vol. 1(1-2), 2-20, 25(2-4), 27(3) - , continuing

Physical Geography, vol. 18(4), 18(5), 21(4), 21(5), 22(4)

Polar Geography and Geology, vol. 17(1), 18(1), 23(1-2), 24-30.

Polar Meteorology and Glaciology, vol. 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 16

Progress in Physical Geography, vol. 1(1)-17(3), 19(4), 20(1), 30(3)

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 1950 (Centennary
Proceedings of the Royal Meteorological Society), 1953 (Proceedings
Toronto Meteorological Conference), 81(347) - , continuing

Quaternary Research, vol. 1(1)-40(3)

Reviews in Geophysics, vol. 27 - , continuing

Weather, vol. 8(11), 10(1) - , continuing

Monday, July 7, 2008

Frost Byte, vol. 5, iss. 27

We have added all of the CD-ROMs and videos to the catalog. We now have only one major format to add, microforms, which we hope to add later this year.

About 700 new glacier photographs taken by Austin Post have been added to the Glacier Photograph Collection. Our students are hard at work QCing and adding the metadata to these images. Unfortunately, we do not have access to the original negatives or prints and are limited to creating digital images from microfilmed copies. The quality of the microfilm varies and so does the resulting digitized image. Due to the enormous amount of images and the format we have to deal with, we’ve decided not to weed heavily on image quality. We will announce the updates some time in the near future (after some of the metadata is cleaned up in the database). In addition to the images, we will also be reviewing the best way to add the more detailed metadata from the Glacier Photo Index project.

Staff Report
Gloria attended the American Libraries Association conference June 27-June 30. The ALA is the largest and oldest library association in the world. It’s membership includes librarians in public, special (law, medical, etc.), school, academic, research, etc. libraries. As a result, the conference programs offer a wide variety of sessions and vendors.

She attended sessions covering topics such as librarians helping people in Second Life (a virtual world) to the new changes to Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) processes and cataloging the Library of Congress way. If you want to see just what information specialists and librarians exchange during the annual conference, here is a link to the ALA Conference wiki, You can also find handouts, slides, and other materials from conference sessions here,

To search for CDs or videos, just use the drop down menu in the format field.

New Items in the Library

Journals & Reports
Antarctic Science, vol. 20, iss. 3
Polar Record, vol. 44, iss. 3, no. 230
Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 61, iss. 2
Report of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, #72
EOS, vol. 89, iss. 26
Reviews of Geophysics, vol. 46, iss. 1
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,vol. 89, iss. 2
Monthly Weather Review, vol. 135, iss. 12
Glaciological Investigations in Norway 2007, #3 2008
Earth Observer, vol. 20, iss. 3
International Journal of Climatology, vol. 28, iss. 7
Journal of Climate, vol. 21, iss. 11
Environmental Studies Research Funds Annual Report 2007

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Frost Byte, Issue 5, Volume 26


As Gloria, Allaina and Shelly Sommer (INSTAAR librarian) prepare for the 2012 Polar Libraries Colloquy, we will be open to any suggestions, lessons learned, words of encouragement, etc. Feel free to ask any questions or offer any words of wisdom as we begin the planning process. Drop us an email at

Staff Report

Allaina attended Collaboration in the Digital Age, a forum in the Connecting to Collections initiative sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in cooperation with Heritage Preservation. This free conference included people from 43 states, Puerto Rico and China. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, Bruce Cole, Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities, Adair Margo, Chairman, President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, Anne-Imelda Radice, Director, IMLS, Elizabeth Broun, Director, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Shirley Amore, City Librarian, Denver Public Library, and Lawrence Reger, President, Heritage Preservation provided opening and keynote remarks for the attendees. Many others provided the content for the sessions. The forum was held at the Denver Public Library, Denver Art Museum and the Colorado History Museum.

IMLS began Connecting to Collections: A Call to Action as a national initiative to raise public awareness of the importance of caring for collections held across the U.S. Collaboration in the Digital Age is the second of four forums and focuses on the needs of museums and libraries by helping them think strategically and collaboratively about digitization and digital preservation. Sessions focused on the fundamentals of digital content creation and preservation, emphasizing practical approaches to planning digital projects, increasing access to collections, enabling digital resources to serve multiple purposes, and protecting digital investments.

This past weekend was the second intensive weekend of teaching for Allaina and her colleague Shaun Boyd. The Introduction to Archives class visited the American Alpine Club library and archives and also received a tour of the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum. The AAC library has received a collection of large framed Washburn photographs. One (the “colossal” size) is currently on display in the library along with a few other artifacts donated by Washburn to the museum and library. Gary Landeck, AAC library and archives director, is pictured here in front of the Washburn display.

Allaina, Gary and Shaun pose in front of the Washburn display in the AAC library.

Carl Stewart, Emergency Response coordinator for Norlin libraries, spoke to the class about disaster planning for collections. He coordinated a hand’s on experience for the students by placing a “collection” in a wading pool and pouring water over the collection. He successfully simulated a pipe breaking in the library or archives and the surprise and shock of walking in on such a problem.

Over the course of 2 hours the students were able to experience how quickly paper materials absorb water, emphasizing the need to quickly take action. Here are a few photos of the experiment. It was a slightly traumatic event for Allaina and Shaun who have both personally experienced recent water disasters – Allaina during Hurricane Katrina and Shaun as recently as the current flooding in Iowa. However, it was well worth the effort. We could speak about the smell and the feel of what happens when things get wet and also emphasize the need for acting quickly to recover items.


Kristin Gibbons is employed for the summer and will be spending much of her time on the computer in the library. If the library computer is occupied and you need to look up an item, please stop in to ask one of the librarians for assistance. The catalog is also accessible via Igloo. User ID is catalog and there is no password.

Don’t forget that you can ask us a question using Yahoo IM, Windows Live Messenger, or AIM. Just add nsidclibrary to your buddies list.

New Items in the Library

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 19, iss. 2

Meri, #60 and #61

Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 35, iss. 8

Arctic, vol. 61, iss. 2

Mountain Research & Development, vol. 28, iss. 2

EOS, vol. 89, iss. 25

Polar Science, vol. 2, iss. 1

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, vol. 40, iss. 2