Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 11


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you are wearing green and staying warm. Yes, folks, we are having a St. Paddy’s day storm.

For the last two weeks, Gloria and Kristin have worked their way through each shelf of books, verifying that the books are in the correct place on the shelves. We’ve found second copies that we didn’t have in the catalog and books on the wrong shelf! Slowly, we are getting our catalog and our shelves in good order, which helps when trying to find that book that we know is there.

Beginning this week, you will be able to use Yahoo’s Instant Messenger to chat with one of us in the library. On Wednesday, Gloria will post the library’s ID to the bulletin board with instructions on adding the library to your contact list.

Coming soon! The Glacier Photograph Collection will soon double in size. Kristen has completed cutting and shipping to our CDMP contractors the large film reel of aerial glacier photographs, most taken by Austin Post. The first batches of the digital images have just been returned to us. We will begin the QC process and creating the metadata for first 5,000 of the 13,600 images on the reel this week and next. Stay tuned for more information and updates!

Staff Report

Gloria is out of the office today and tomorrow (17th and 18th).


When leaving items for donations in the return basket or one of our mailboxes, please put a note on them saying they are for the library. You don’t have to put your name on the note, but it will save the librarians time and confusion if they know that it is a donation. Thanks in advance for your help.

New Items in the Library

Journals and Reports

Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, iss. 2

EOS, v. 89, iss. 10

Physics Today, v. 61, iss. 3

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 46, iss. 3

Geografisk Tidsskrift, v. 107, iss. 2

Books, Reprints, and other Formats

Geologic maps of North and North-East Greenland published by GEUS. [This collection of 49 maps will be in the Analog Archives room later this week. Currently, it is on the table in the library.]

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