Monday, March 31, 2008
Frost Byte, volume 5, issue 13
You can now chat with us even when you are not in the office! For those of you that missed the posts to the bulletin board, the library now has chat capability on Yahoo IM, Windows Live im, and AIM. Just add nsidclibrary to your contact list in your IM or chat program, and when you need us, we will be there. The library will be online Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. until 4 p.m.
In order to consolidate shelf space, we are shifting the monographs and some of the oversized materials. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please ask one of us! We will update the finding aids as soon as the shifting is complete. Thank you for your patience.
The Glacier Photograph Collection has been updated with a collection of 95 panoramic photographs of Alaskan glaciers. These photographs were taken by the U.S. Navy during the IGY. You may locate them by limiting your search by date (1957) and photographer (U.S. Navy).
For the month of April, the due date for most borrowed items is July 31, 2008. You will receive an email when you borrow an item giving you the due date. We send out reminder emails on the first of the month an item is due.
New Items in the Library
Journals and Reports
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 33, iss. 1-6 [CD-ROM]
Polish Polar Research, v. 28, iss. 4
EOS, v. 89, iss. 12
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, v. 19, iss. 1
Monthly Surface Climatic Data Report, China, Aug. 2006-July 2007
Books, Reprints, and other Formats
Onset of Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation by Peter F. Barker, Bernhard Dickmann, Carlota Escutia.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 12
We have updated the Glacier Photograph Collection. There is now a special collection page for the DAHLI IGY Glacier Photographs. This new page directs users to a special search page to locate glacier photographs taken during the International Geophysical Year (1957-58). Thanks to the work of Michael Russell, we will be adding more photographs soon. Michael has been diligently checking the quality of the digital files and ensuring the accuracy of the associated metadata. There are currently 917 images in the database. Another 1131 images are in the queue.
In addition to the IGY photographs, we have recently added a collection of images taken in
The library will be closed for Spring Break on Friday.
If you remove an item from the library, please check it out! If you are unsure how to do this, we will be glad to help.
If you have any left over Easter candy that you would like to donate to the candy fund in the library, we would be happy to take it off your hands. We also accept cash. J
New Items in the Library
Journals and Reports
Environmental Studies Research Funds #161: Review of the Ikhil gas development and pipeline regulatory and environmental process : lessons learned.
Environmental Studies Research Funds #162: Assessing the potential effects of near shore hydrocarbon exploration on ringed seals in the
Earth System Monitor, v. 16, iss. 3
EOS, v. 89, iss. 11
Alaska GeoSurvey News, v. 11, iss. 1
Water Condiions in
Seppyo, v. 70, iss.1
Books, Reprints, and other Formats
Cryosphere Theme Report for the IGOS Partnership.
Abiotyczne srodowisko Spitsbergenu w latach 2005-2006 w warunkach globalnego ocieplenia = Abiotic environment of
The Opening of a new landscape :
Monday, March 17, 2008
Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 11
For the last two weeks, Gloria and Kristin have worked their way through each shelf of books, verifying that the books are in the correct place on the shelves. We’ve found second copies that we didn’t have in the catalog and books on the wrong shelf! Slowly, we are getting our catalog and our shelves in good order, which helps when trying to find that book that we know is there.
Beginning this week, you will be able to use Yahoo’s Instant Messenger to chat with one of us in the library. On Wednesday, Gloria will post the library’s ID to the bulletin board with instructions on adding the library to your contact list.
Coming soon! The Glacier Photograph Collection will soon double in size. Kristen has completed cutting and shipping to our CDMP contractors the large film reel of aerial glacier photographs, most taken by Austin Post. The first batches of the digital images have just been returned to us. We will begin the QC process and creating the metadata for first 5,000 of the 13,600 images on the reel this week and next. Stay tuned for more information and updates!
Staff Report
Gloria is out of the office today and tomorrow (17th and 18th).
When leaving items for donations in the return basket or one of our mailboxes, please put a note on them saying they are for the library. You don’t have to put your name on the note, but it will save the librarians time and confusion if they know that it is a donation. Thanks in advance for your help.
New Items in the Library
Journals and Reports
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, iss. 2
EOS, v. 89, iss. 10
Physics Today, v. 61, iss. 3
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 46, iss. 3
Geografisk Tidsskrift, v. 107, iss. 2
Books, Reprints, and other Formats
Geologic maps of North and North-East Greenland published by GEUS. [This collection of 49 maps will be in the Analog Archives room later this week. Currently, it is on the table in the library.]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 10
If anyone is interested in traveling as a group to view the
No big news happening in the analog archives. Work continues on the Glacier Photograph Collection including matching the photo index to the Austin Post aerials. Our contractors are scanning the materials faster than we can keep up with the QC, but it keeps our students very busy indeed.
Allaina will be scheduling the collection assessment with Randy Silverman, Preservation Librarian for the J. Willard Marriott Library at the University of Utah. This work is funded by the grant awarded to NSIDC through the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Staff Report
Gloria will be out of the office on Friday and the following Monday.
If at any time you would like a tour of the library and the analog archives collection, drop us an email at, we will set that up for you. We would be happy to discuss any of the check out and check in procedure,s as well as point out interesting things in the collections.
Thanks to all who contribute to the candy fund!! It is very much appreciated!
New Items in the Library
Journals and Reports
Antarctic Science, v. 20, iss. 1
EOS, v. 89, iss. 9
Books, Reprints, and other Formats
Antarcticque : Coeur blanc de la terre by Lucia Simion. [will be on the oversized shelf]
Monday, March 3, 2008
Frost Byte, vol. 5, iss. 9
Gloria sent out four journal titles to the bindery last week: Polar Record, Polar Research, Polish Polar Research, and Seppyo. These should be back in the library in approximately six weeks. In the meantime, if you need to access one of these journals, just tell Gloria or Allaina. We will be glad to help you find what you need.
Staff Report
This week, Gloria will be out of the office on Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7.
If you have suggestions for or have found something that doesn’t work in the intranet catalog, please let us know. We are always glad to have your input and want to fix any problems.
Hints for Searching the NSIDC Web Catalog
This is a new section we thought you might find useful. Each week we will give you search suggestions to help refine your searches in the library catalog.
Today’s hint: Searches are key word searches in all fields except dates. We find that the most accurate searches use just a key word or two in the title field and either the author’s last name or date of publication. In this instance, less is more.
Thanks to all who contribute to the candy fund!! It is very much appreciated!
New Items in the Library
Journals & Reports
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, v. 112, iss. D24 (due to its size,
this issue is on a shelf to the left of its usual shelf)
Earth Observer, v. 20 iss. 1
EOS, v. 89, iss. 8
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, iss. 1
Cold Regions Science and Technology, v. 51, iss. 2-3
Books, Reprints, and other Media
Essentials of Physical Geography by Robert E. Gabler, et al.
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Plummets in 2007 by Julienne Stroeve, et al. [reprint]
Preservation Management for Libraries, Archives and Museums edited by G. E. Gorman and Sydney J. Shep.
Photographs : Archival Care and Management by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler and Diane Vogt-O’Connor.
Farthest North, or The Life and Explorations of Lieutenant James Booth Lockwood, of the Greely Arctic Expedition by Charles Lanman. [Rare Books Case]