Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Frost Byte, Issue 5, Volume 22


NSIDC participates in the International Polar Year Publications Database (IPYPD), a collaborative project that aims to will attempt to “identify and describe all publications that result from, or that are about” the current IPY. IPYPD is also part of IPYDIS. As materials are cataloged, you may search for them online through the Arctic and Antarctic Regions (AAR) database. For more information see the about page at IPYPD.

Staff Report

Gloria is out of the office attending the 22nd Polar Libraries Colloquy in Edmonton. She will be out all week, checking email as time allows, and will return to the office on the 9th. If you have any questions, please see Allaina.

Allaina will be out part of the day Tuesday (3rd) to take her mother to the airport.


June is a busy library conference month this year so you may only see one of the librarians in the office at a time. We are each other’s back up so don’t hesitate to ask either of us for assistance. At least one of us will be away from the office on these dates: June 2-6, 12, 16-20, 24-30.

New Items in the Library

A collection of NSIDC IPY posters will be preserved in the Analog Archives for future reference. Copies of each poster will be housed in flat files so that, 50 years from now, as researchers and staff look back on the events of the 4th IPY they can view or distribute the posters without the concerns of future digital conversion and access.

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