Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 1


The Glacier Photograph Collection is in a constant state of updates. The latest is a new special collection of glacier survey reports from Rocky Mountain National Park completed between 1932 and 1952. Some of the earlier reports were only recently discovered in the library and will be added as soon as they are returned from the contractor. Check out the new collection of PDF files of the complete reports as well as the individual photographs from the reports:

The next batch of glacier photographs will be a batch of IGY photos taken by Bill Field and his team between 1957 and 1959. Some of these photos were previously added to the collection and can be located in the database by using the date range as the search criteria. Also see the DAHLI page for more about these images. This page is also where the updates will be posted.

Staff Report

The Society of American Archivists (SAA) has accepted a proposal for which Allaina is a participant. Their annual conference will be in August. The title of the presentation is “Leveraging Outreach to Further Your Goals: Tips for Small Repositories”.

Next week Allaina will be working from home on the 17th before leaving for the Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) annual conference, held in conjunction with the American Meteorological Society annual conference, in New Orleans. She will be presenting “Data Services at the National Snow and Ice Data Center” to the ASLI group.

Policy Reminders, etc.

If you use the library after hours, please remember to restart the computer, turn off the lights and close the door when you leave.

New Items in the Library

Journals & Reports

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 46, iss. 1

EOS, v. 89, iss. 1

La Revue de géographie = Journal of Alpine Research, vol. 95, iss. 4

Books, Reprints, and other Formats

Climate change 2007 : mitigation of climate change edited by Bert Metz, et al.

The Lost men : the harrowing saga of Shackleton’s Ross Sea party by Kelly Tyler-Lewis

Glaciation & periglaciation by Jane Knight

Phytoplankton quantity as an indicator of eutrophication in Finnish coastal waters by Pirkko Kauppila

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