Muir Glacier - 63 years of change

Muir Glacier - 63 years of change
W.O. Field, 1941(l) & B.F. Molnia, 2004 (r)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Frost Byte, vol. 5, iss. 21

We do hope that you had a great Memorial Day holiday, even if the weather was not exactly stellar for firing up those grills! Grilling season, however, is now officially open.

This week, Sue Olmstead with NSF will be here visiting. Allaina and Gloria will be in a meeting with her on Wed (28th), and Sue will be here and at INSTAAR on Thursday as well.

Due to back-to-back shelf shifts, you might have a little trouble finding the item or items you need. If so, please contact one of us. We should have new finding aids in place at the end of each row before the end of the week.

Last week, we announced new policies concerning renewing materials and replacing lost or damaged items. We have included the text of the new policies here, for your information.

Renewing Materials
All general circulating materials may be renewed 4 times via phone, email, or Instant Message. For further renewals, the patron must bring the items to the library. All renewals are for the same period as the initial loan. See Borrowing Materials above for loan periods for the different material types.
Replacing Lost or Damaged Materials
If a patron has lost or damaged library material, he or she is responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing the item.

If you have any questions concerning these new policies, please contact us.

Staff Report

Allaina is out Tuesday (27th) and perhaps Thursday (29th). She will be in Wednesday (28th) for part of the day.

Next week, Gloria will be at the Polar Libraries Colloquy in Edmonton, Alb. from the 1st through the 6th. She will return to the office on June 9th.


All materials are available for check-out.

New Items in the Library
Journals and Reports
Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 35, iss. 7
Neige et Avalanches, #121
EOS, vol. 89, iss. 20
Seppyo, vol. 70, iss. 2

Monday, May 19, 2008

Frost Byte, vol. 5, iss. 20

Thank you all for your cooperation and patience with the library inventory! In appreciation for your efforts, we will have a cake and punch party outside the library on Wednesday, May 21. Please stop by throughout the day, or as long as the cake and punch last, to partake of the goodies! Thanks to your assistance, we were able to shift many materials to make room for the coming donations.

We have updated the Circulation Policies to include information on renewing library items and replacing lost items. Please take a

In addition to the library shifting, the map file cabinets in the Analog Archives room were also shifted. We have moved some over sized materials into the more secure and suitable space in room 269. Items that have been relocated to room 269 have had their locations updated in the catalog. If you cannot locate materials in their “usual” place, please see the librarians for assistance.

Staff Report
Allaina will be out Monday (19th) and Tuesday (20th) and also Tuesday (27th) and Wednesday (28th).

Gloria will be out Friday (23rd).

Monday, May 26th is a university holiday. The library will be closed for Memorial Day.

New Items in the Library
Journals and Reports
Il Polo, v. 62, iss. 4
EOS, v. 89, iss. 19
Research Report of Public Works Research Institute, #209
Water Conditions in California, #4, May 1, 2008

Books and Reprints
Antarctica : a Keystone in a Changing World. Alan K. Cooper, et al., editors
Mombetsu-08 Symposium : Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Frost Byte, volume 5, issue 19

We want to thank everyone who has returned library materials! We know that it is hard for some of you to let go of the books and reprints, but it is just for a short period of time. Tomorrow, we hope to have everything on the shelves and continue with the shifting of items to make more room. We will let you know when we are done, so you can run to the library and grab those books!

Congratulations to all of our graduating (now graduated) students! As an FYI, Kristin is now a temp employee for the library (not a student employee)! She will be helping us this summer until she starts classes in the fall at DU Library School.

The test scans of the Austin Post (Ice and Climate Project) USGS photograph collection on microfilm have been positive. All of the remaining microfilm reels have been received by our contractor for the digitization project. We will keep you posted as to the progress of this next phase of the Glacier Photograph Collection.

And speaking of our contractor, HOV Services representatives visited NSIDC last week. John
Jacobs (R), our primary contact for the digitization projects, and John Smiraglia (L), toured the library, analog archives, and were very impressed with the tour of the server room. (Thanks to Rich for the impromptu tour!)

Staff Report
Allaina will be out Thursday, May 15th and also Monday (19th) and Tuesday (20th).

We have a lot of IPY and IGY materials here in the library, and we have put a tag in the Notes field for them. To find these materials, just type either IPY or IGY in the Notes field.

New Items in the Library

Journals and Reports
Physics Today, v. 61 iss. 5
EOS v. 89, issues 17 & 18
Mariners Weather Log, v. 52, iss. 1
Pages News, v. 16, iss. 2
Cold Regions Science and Technology, v. 52, iss. 3
Rock Talk, v. 11, iss. 1

Books, Reprints, and Other Media
Bibliography of Repeat Photography for Evaluating Landscape Change compiled and annotated by Garry F. Rogers, Harold E. Mulde, and Raymond M. Turner.

Enhancement of Greenhouse Gas Sinks : A Canadian Science Assessment edited by Henry Hengeveld, et al.

Canadian Fisheries and Oceans Science Annual Report 2006-2007.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Frost Byte, Volume 5, Issue 18


Well, it’s the end of the academic year, and everyone will soon be out for field work or vacation. With that in mind, we need to ask for your help. Due to Roger’s retirement and changing of offices, he is donating many of his journals, books, and reprints to the library. In order to verify that we have enough room for these items, we need to get all books, journals, etc. on the shelves or in the file drawers for a brief period of time.

We need everyone to return all library items to us by May 9th (this Friday). Gloria will check them in, shelve them, and then tally the available space. We anticipate that this will take approximately two weeks, after which period, all items will once again be available for check out. We plan on making items available for check-out on the 27th.

We realize that this is an inconvenience, and we do apologize for that. However, we need accurate information as to shelf space as soon as possible.

Please make a list of everything you will want to check out again to make it easier to track them down.

If during this time you need an item, please let us know. We will either get it from CU or online or wherever we can track it down.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding! Please remember to return your items no later than Friday!

Staff Report

Gloria will be out Friday, the 9th.


Maps are available for a one week check out period. They can be searched within the library catalog. They are stored in the Analog Archives room in the large flat map file cabinets. To check out a map, fill in the sign out sheet on the clip board in room 269. See Gloria or Allaina for assistance.

New Items in the Library

Journals and Reports

Boletín Glaciológíco Aragonés, #7 (2006)

Exchanges, v. 13, iss. 2 (#45)

Gewex News, v. 18, iss. 1

Books, Reprints, and Other Media

The Antarctic Regions by Karl Fricker, translated by A. Sonnenschein [in Rare Book Case]

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 51, part 1, 1914-15 [in Rare Book Case]. (Paper #4 might be of special interest)

The Climate of Alaska by martha Shulski & Gerd Wendler